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Gap Year Travel Insurance

Gap year travel insurance is certainly a boon to the well traveled youth. With so many destinations to visit, gap year travel insurance could certainly afford anyone with the necessary coverage at more than affordable prices. This is the perfect way to discover, or rather, rediscover the majestic locations in Africa, Asia, Australia and South America. Naturally, a gap year travel insurance holder can go anywhere in the world. Recent studies show that these four aforementioned locales are the favorite destination points of gap year travelers and backpackers alike.

Gap year travel insurance has always had its fair share of market in the UK. In fact, other insurance policies may be on a decline in the world market, but travel insurance of this kind is still increasingly gaining momentum among new subscribers.

From the onset, this kind of insurance was only open to youths below the age of 25. Fortunately, since there are now a growing number of adults going back to college to finish a degree, or M.D. or Ph.D. (and even get a second degree in the process,) most insurance vendors have upped their quota to people aged 35 years and below. This is actually great news to anyone who wishes to subscribe to this kind of travel insurance now. Competition among companies means better services to the consumers.

For one thing, due to the larger volume of potential insurance holders, more and more companies are now offering broader coverage, more add-on benefits, with steadily declining rates.

Nonetheless, although there are some areas of similarities, this does not mean that all gap year travel insurance policies are the same. This is a common mistake made by first time insurance policy seekers. It should be pointed out that variations as to the coverage available can be slight or great. This is also true as to the add-on benefits being given off. Also, price ranges varies a lot, depending on both the insurance company and the gap year travel insurance policy itself.

Some basic tips when trying to find travel insurance for your gap year:

1. Read the policies thoroughly.

If you are about 55% of the new subscribers, you probably won’t take more than a few minutes to scan the contract of agreement. A good percentage of that 55% do not even look past the first few lines. This may prove costly in the end.

Read your policies with a careful eye, especially the fine print. You have to make sure that you have emergency medical and repatriation coverage; as well as emergency medical assistance service (like a 24/7 helpline.) Other essential coverage includes cover for lost or damaged property; delayed or curtailed trips; cover for accidental death; legal assistance, etc.

2. Pay only for coverage which sounds reasonable and which you think you will use.

Some companies offer you blanket policies, along with blanket add-on benefits. If you do read the fine print, you may read certain risks which you may not want to pay for. A good example of this would be for “winter sports coverage.” Although this may sound valid, it is also may be useless, especially if your destination locales (like parts of Asia and Africa) do not have winter sports to offer.

In fact, there may be places in your itinerary that do not experience winter at all. If you think you will not be indulging in any kind of winter sports during your entire trip, you can easily forego this.

You can always have your policy tailor fitted to your specifications. You do not have to pay for additional coverage which you are more than certain will not be needed during your travels.