Managing Your Finances for a Debt Free College Education

Managing finances when you are in college can go a long way in ensuring that you graduate with no debts. You can manage your college finances with relative ease if you are willing to spend money wisely and save money when you can. Here are a few tips that you can use for effective money management in college.

Create a Plan for Expenses
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Why a 529 Plan May Not Be the Best Option to Save for College

A 529 plan is a higher education savings plan, which derives its name from the section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code. As college education and tuition fees grow costlier year on year, many parents invest in these plans to assure their children of good education. However, there are some downsides to these plans, which need to be considered before you make an investment. [Read more…]

Is Paying for College Education Worth the Trouble

Getting a college degree is an expensive affair and often college graduates have been found regretting their decision after undertaking huge debts to pay for higher education. The problem surfaces more frequently during recessive years when salaries are low and jobs are hard to come by leaving debt ridden college graduates struggling to make loan repayments. [Read more…]