Build Savings Early for a Comfortable Retirement

If you want to retire in comfort after all those years of hard work, you need to start saving early. It is very important to save a portion of your income without fail if you want to maintain a good standard of living after retirement. How much you save depends on your salary, job-stability and expenses, but once you’ve decided on a particular percentage of salary, always stick to that percentage.

You should remember that you can save a much higher percentage of your income when you are in your 20’s and early 30’s. This is because you might not have dependents and your expenses will consequently be lesser. Financial experts say that working professionals in their 20’s and early 30’s must save about 25% to 35% of their income.

You should also contribute more to your 401(k) and save any bonus that you get from your company. Make sure you pay off all those college loans as quickly as you can. Do not splurge on expensive gadgets, cars and designer brands even if you have of a good income, until you are already meeting your savings goals.

If you are in your late 30’s and early 40’s, you need to save at least 10% to 15% of your income. This is the period when expenses increase as you might have kids. It will be more difficult to build savings in this period, but you should plan your budget carefully and always adhere to it. Involve your spouse and children in the budget making process.

Apart from setting aside money, you can consult a financial advisor on investments, taxes and other ways of saving or growing your money. For example, investments in equities and bonds can yield substantial profits, so make sure you have a low-risk portfolio of stocks, bonds and mutual funds. [Read more…]

At What Age Should You Retire to Be Financially Independent?

Retirement will be one of the most important events of your life. You should start planning for your retirement in your 20s if you want to have a secure and comfortable post-retirement life. Only after you decide your retirement age will you know how much you should save every month and what other financial aspects you need to look at. Her are some advantages and disadvantages of retiring early and retiring at 65 to help you make this important decision. [Read more…]

How to Ensure a Comfortable Post-Retirement Life

People are often unable to retire as early as they had planned. Either they do not have enough money in their retirement fund or they have debts piled up, and they have to keep working to get rid of them. To be able to retire early, you have to carefully plan your finances and maintain a strict control on your expenses. [Read more…]