Greenspan Acknowledges Beginning of Turnaround

As everyone cheers the news of the biggest jobs creation in three years, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve has acknowledged and acceded that the economy is indeed on the mend, as indicated by these improvements. The 9.7% unemployment rate has been the cause of concern in the recent months even as the activity in most sectors showed signs of revival. [Read more…]

Economic Upturn Not Leading to Rise in Employment

The statistics collected over the past month have shown clear indications that the US economy is slowly getting back on track. Industrial activity is picking up, investors are moving into US markets once more and consumers are beginning to lose their fear of spending again. However, no matter what the figures and facts say about the improvement in the economy, the jobless are still no better off than they were a year ago. [Read more…]

$15 Billion Plan to Stimulate Employment

The House has approved a plan that would spend $15 billion on measures targeted at job creation. The plan would give tax breaks to businesses as an incentive to hiring new employees. Supporters of the plan claimed that it would end up creating 1 million jobs. [Read more…]