Cutting Down on Expenses to Get Rid of Debt

If your world has come crashing down and creditors are after your life, remember there is always a way out of every problem. If you are debt-ridden, you can still pay it all off with some planning and personal sacrifices. You got yourself into this financial mess and you can get yourself out of it as well. You simply have to be judicious with your money during this period. A drastic cut down on expenses will help you save enough money to pay at least a part of the money you owe.
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Planning Your Holiday Budget in Times of a Slowdown

Officially, recession has been over for 18 months now and the US economy is recovering fast. Still, unemployment rates are high and businesses have not reached pre-recession levels. In such times, it’s wise to plan your holidays or vacation carefully. Here are some tips on how to enjoy your holidays without spending too much. [Read more…]

Are Increasing Cable Expenses Busting Your Budget?

Entertainment costs form an important part of the monthly bills of any household. And cable bill is one of the first items to attract attention when it comes to reducing expenditure on entertainment services.

According to the Pew Research Centre, after house rents, one of the largest recurring household expenditure reported by American consumers is entertainment and communication. Cable and satellite television, cell phone services and internet services, all fall in this category. [Read more…]

Tips for Young Investors

If you are young, have just got on a new job and your income exceeds your basic expenses, you should start considering investment opportunities to save for the future. By starting early and making wise investment decisions, you will be able to grow your wealth and secure a safe financial future for yourself. [Read more…]

How to Manage Your Budget If You are Self Employed

Budgeting plays a very important role in managing your finances and ensuring that you do not face financial hardships. If you are self employed or if a large proportion of your earnings comes from commissions, then budgeting becomes critical because your income will be irregular. [Read more…]