Four Tips to Help Startups Businesses Manage Money Better

Money is not easy to come for startups, and managing what you have becomes very important. Going for investor money may be the easier route to feeling cushioned, but it has its own disadvantages. Seeking investment early on will make you lose significant equity and control. It may not be a desirable situation considering the business is your brain child in the first place.

So if you are on tight budget, running a tight ship is the best way forward. Let’s have a look at a few things that will help you manage money better and give you the cushion to stride ahead with confidence. [Read more…]

Does Social Networking Reveal Your Financial Details?

Social networking is an integral part of life for millions of people across the world. People update every incident in their life on their Facebook accounts or tweet about it. However, there is a dangerous side to this practice of sharing personal details, especially financial ones, in an arena where it is not easy to detect or control who is using the information that you reveal. [Read more…]