Charges Announced In The Largest Healthcare Fraud In U.S

An estimated $60 billion a year is siphoned off from the Medicare program through fraudulent means. The investigation into healthcare fraud has uncovered this and many other shocking facts even as the country gears up to find out more about the various cases filed by the Obama administration in different cities.

Healthcare reforms are an important component of Obama’s political strategy. The Democrat President has been pushing for a complete overhaul of the various programs and schemes sponsored by the government under this heading.

Although the Republicans have been strongly opposed to the focus on healthcare, it is undeniable that this area is one where much of the government expenditure happens. Given the current situation where it is becoming evident that government spending cuts need to be brought in right away, there is clearly a need to stem leaks from heavily sponsored programs such as Medicare.

Nearly 45 million Americans are beneficiaries of the Medicare program. The treatment and health schemes offered under this program are sponsored by various companies that are, in turn, paid by the government from tax payer funds. Critics have been vociferous in their complaint that the entire system is susceptible to fraudulent practices and that the companies are overpaid substantially to implement the programs.
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How to Save on Health Care with Open Enrollment

Most companies are looking to reduce their contributions or transfer a greater portion of health care costs over to their employees. Open enrolment, during which you can change your coverage options, gives you the chance to adjust your plans if the current coverage is turning out to be too expensive for you. For most Americans, this is the only time every year they can make any changes to their prescription costs. [Read more…]

Health Care Reform Impact on Employees

Many positive changes have been introduced in the health care reform, which is seen as a major victory for the Obama administration. It will ensure that more people can take advantage of health insurance, but it would also mean higher contribution from employers. [Read more…]