Mortgage Market to Remain Stable with New Investors Filling the Fed Void

Investors are wary of the direction that the housing market may take, now that the Fed is no longer supporting it. However, analysts believe that the sector will not be subjected to much turbulence in the form of soaring interest rates because other investors who have been waiting in the wings for sound investment opportunities will fill in the void. [Read more…]

Supreme Court Sends Mutual Fund Fees Case Back to Lower Court

The Jones v. Harris Associates case, which was in the news when a district court supported the Chicago-based Harris Associates by finding the mutual fund fees charged reasonable, has come into the spotlight once again as the Supreme Court has sent the case back to the lower court. [Read more…]

Private Equity Firms and Hedge Funds Face Uphill Battle

The worst of the recession seems to be over, but the crisis has done irreversible damage to many industries. Hedge funds and private equity firms are among those that are finding out that life after the recession is not as easy as it used to be before it.

At the height of the financial crisis, both private equity firms and hedge funds faced some serious redemption pressure which threatened their very existence. Many companies simply refused to repay the investors at that time or imposed severe restrictions on withdrawals. This completely changed the investors’ perception of these funds and the investors have now become much more demanding. These companies are now finding out the hard way that you can not just make your investors angry and get away it. [Read more…]