Obama’s Budget to Focus on Reducing Deficit

The focus of the 2012 budget will be on cutting down the deficit, according to budget director Jacob Lew. The statement was made by the director in a talk aired on CNN. If the budget achieves its targets, U.S.’s deficit will be reduced to the tune of $1.1 trillion over the next 10 years.

Lew also hinted at the strategy that will be followed by President Obama to achieve this ambitious target. He said that strategic spending that will make the U.S. more competitive in the global markets combined with expenditure cut backs in some hand picked areas will provide the solutions.

The statement does not give any specifics about how exactly the $1.1 trillion deficit will be wiped out from the books. Neither does it clarify how the to-be-announced budget will deal with or impact long term deficit.

However, one aspect that is quite clear is that the President is proposing to put a clamp on discretionary spending on non-security related issues. The clamp will last for five years if Obama’s call is indeed heeded. This alone will save $400 billion, a massive chunk of money by all standards. However, this expense head still accounts for only about 10% of the total spending by the Fed.

Critics have been quick to point out that rather than focusing on this relatively small expense area, the government would do better to address items like entitlement programs, where enormous expense is borne year after year.
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Cutting Down on Expenses to Get Rid of Debt

If your world has come crashing down and creditors are after your life, remember there is always a way out of every problem. If you are debt-ridden, you can still pay it all off with some planning and personal sacrifices. You got yourself into this financial mess and you can get yourself out of it as well. You simply have to be judicious with your money during this period. A drastic cut down on expenses will help you save enough money to pay at least a part of the money you owe.
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Reducing Credit Card Debt On Your Own

These days there are a lot of companies advertising debt management services. There are two reasons for this, a lot of people have problems with debt and most of those people have no idea how to solve their debt problems. For some people it is a good idea to use a professional debt management service. However for most people it is entirely possible to take care of your debt problems on your own. [Read more…]

Reducing Your Credit Card Debt With a Counsellor

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