Archives for December 2010

AIG Sells Asian Life Insurance Moving Closer to Paying Off Debt

AIG is steadily getting closer to repaying the $132 billion debt that it took in 2008 from the government to avoid collapse. The latest step in the direction is AIG’s agreement to sell its international life insurance unit, American Life Insurance Co. (Alico) to MetLife Inc. [Read more…]

Saving For Your Child’s College Education

A Guide to Saving for Children’s College Education

When you think of saving for future expenses, the cost of educating your children is one of the most important financial needs that you should consider. College education does not come cheap and educating your son or daughter in a little known institution rarely has much value.
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Are Bonds Safe Investments

Why Bonds are Ideal for Cautious Investors 

When it comes to investing, stocks are favorite avenues for spectacular returns, but the high risk associated with them also puts off many a cautious investor. For those who want their money to be safe, yet grow at a decent pace, bonds are good options for investment. Bonds are steady winners and their low returns are a good exchange for the protection they offer when the market is volatile. If you have a low risk appetite and still want your money to work for you reasonably well, then investing in bonds is the strategy you should follow.
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Planning For Early Retirement

Why Should You Plan Early For Retirement

When it comes to retirement planning, the most often repeated advice you hear is to start planning as early as possible. If you want to have a financially secure retired life then this advice is one you should definitely follow. Planning early in life for your retirement lets you take advantage of the best investment options that there are in the market.

Early Start for High Risk Tolerance
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Setting Goals For Effective Financial Planning

Financial experts, investment advisors and retirement planners – all advise you of the benefits you stand to gain with proper financial planning. Setting up a structured plan for saving and spending lets you take control of your finances so that your long term financial goals are met. However, to make your financial planning effective, it is essential for you to set goals.

The Importance of Goal Setting
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Avoiding Bounced Checks with OD Line of Credits

If you have had to shell out precious dollars in the form of overdraft fees because the check you issued bounced at your bank, then you know the importance of having a safety net in your bank account. Most often you have funds to pay the check but they are just not in the right account or available at the time when the check is presented.

It is at times like these that the extra expense incurred in paying the overdraft fee is completely unnecessary and avoidable. An overdraft line of credit is a safety net for your bank account that ensures you avoid such charges and fees.
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Using Your Credit Cards Wisely

The credit card is the culprit behind many Americans’ huge debt today. This handy piece of plastic is so useful and convenient that we often manage all our shopping without money just by swiping our credit cards at different stores and outlets. It is only when the credit card issuer sends you your bill that you actually realize how much you have spent. If you have run up enormous debts because of your credit cards, then chances are, you are seriously considering cancelling all the cards you have. Instead of doing something this drastic, you can simply start using your cards wisely.

Keep Your Balance Low
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How to Make Controlled Spending Viable and Stress Free

Saving money for the future does not necessarily have to entail frugal living and sacrificing every single enjoyable thing you do at present. After all, you save money so that you can continue to live a good life instead of allowing your financial limitations to dictate what you can or cannot do in future.

An effective future savings plan does not require that your spending is strictly limited to essentials or unavoidable expenses. In fact, this would not be a sustainable savings plan at all and as a result not an effective one either. What is required is to control the way you spend and to make this controlled spending a habit.

Know What Your Dollar Buys for You
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How to Fix Your Credit Score

Your credit score plays a very important role in determining how easy it is for you to get loans and how attractive the loan terms are. Any lender you approach will refer to your credit report to gauge how much of a risk you are and how likely you are to pay off his loan on time.

This risk level determines the rate of interest, the term and other aspects of the loan he gives to you. Having a good credit score ensures that you are in a strong bargaining position to get cheap loans with attractive terms. There are no effective quick fixes to improve your credit score but it is possible to make a significant difference in a short time by taking the right steps.

Understanding the Basics
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Student Loan Consolidation Center

Many people these days are suffering from financial trouble. Financial obligations such as student loans become very difficult to pay. It may be caused by very high interest rate or too much monthly payment. If the borrower has two or more student loans in his hands, he could try student loans consolidation as a solution. There are lots of student loan consolidation center in the country. They offer solutions to people that have difficulty in paying their loans.

Loans are granted to students who are having a hard time getting financial support during their school days. They were supposed to pay the loans after graduation. The bank gives the student a grace period. During this time, he should find a job to be able to pay the loans. But due to the global financial crisis, jobs become very difficult to obtain.
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Types of Health Insurance Plans and Cost

It is extremely important that you invest in health insurance. Medical bills stemming from a car accident or major surgeries can be a huge financial set back if you don’t have health insurance. Even if you have to spend quite a bit of money to buy a health insurance policy, it is in your best interests to take one out.

Types of plans
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Plan Your Taxes for a Better Tomorrow

Taxes constitute a significant portion of annual expenses a family has to incur. Plan your taxes carefully to avoid shelling out large amounts of your hard earned income on deductions, which could have been avoided. These tax planning and saving tips can help you manage your taxes better:

A new graduate

A new graduate can save taxes in a number of ways. If you are relocating to a place more than 50 miles from your current location and your relocation amount hasn’t been reimbursed by your employer, you can deduct the cost incurred by you for the trip. You can also deduct travelling expenses taking into consideration 16.5 cents a mile. If you have taken an education loan, the interest paid on the loan can be deducted.
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Common Life Insurance Mistakes to Avoid

Life insurance is an important investment, not just for wealth accumulation but also for financial security. People take out life insurance keeping the interests of family members and dependents in mind. Even in tough times, it would be unwise to contemplate canceling your life insurance policy to save money. Those who feel that life insurance policies are unnecessary or a burden should know that life insurance is a good investment as well as a sound savings scheme. Here are some life insurance mistakes that you should avoid.

Not talking about life insurance

People generally tend not to talk about life insurance as it evokes the uncomfortable topic of death. But you have to be prudent when it comes to your finances and openly discuss life insurance with your spouse or dependents. After all, it is your duty to offer dependents financial support when you lose the capacity to earn income.
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Hiring A Market Investment Financial Adviser

Hiring the right financial advisor can be an important step towards managing your wealth better. Before hiring a financial advisor, check his credentials, references and qualifications. Besides this, also ask him the following six questions to assess whether you can benefit from his services.

What is the cost of the services offered?

The fee charged by your advisor makes up just one part of your overall costs. You also have to take into account brokerage commissions if your financial advisor will be trading in securities. A thrifty financial advisor is often the best choice. He should ideally trade to ensure that your annual portfolio maintenance costs (excluding advisor fee) are as low as possible. Additionally, compare fees of different advisors so that you get the best deal.
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Holiday Shopping Without Burning a Hole in Your Pocket

This holiday shopping season is shaping up to be a good one for shoppers, as retailers are competing to lure them with big discounts. Apparel prices have dropped since spring this year and they could drop further by the end of the year.

Contrary to this, those shopping for gadgets may not find useful discounts as the demand for gadgets has gone up tremendously this year. Whether you want to buy apparel or splurge on gadgets this season, there are a few tips to help you shop without burning a hole in your pocket.

Know Where to Go Shopping

Even during the festive season, it is rare that high-end brands offer drastic discounts. At such times, opt for stores that sell good quality products with lesser-known brand names at good discounts and special offers. If you are keen on buying branded items, look for stores that sell moderately- priced branded products.
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Money Management for Children

Raising children’s awareness on money management serves two important purposes – it helps them understand where money comes from and why it is important to save. Generally, the first purpose is served much sooner than the second as children may take longer to curb their need for instant gratification with all that money can buy. By introducing your kids to money management, you can be assured that they will grow into financially responsible adults

Giving monetary allowances to children

Give your kid a monthly allowance for selective purchases and not unnecessary ones like candy, video games or fashion accessories. Also remember that the monetary allowance given is not lunch money or for clothes, books and other school supplies – this is something that the parent must provide separately. Encourage your kids to save some money from their allowance, put it in a piggy bank or account.
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What You Need to Know About Investing in Mutual Funds

A mutual fund is a collective investment, pooling money from thousands of investors to create a portfolio consisting of bonds, stocks, and other securities. This is done in keeping with an agreement enforced by the company offering mutual funds. Each mutual fund investor gets his or her share of returns from the total funds.

Mutual funds allow investors to make investments ranging from a few hundred to thousands of dollars. They also help investors create a diversified portfolio at low costs when compared to purchasing individual bonds and stocks. Also, mutual funds save you the trouble of tracking multiple investments as this is taken care of by the fund manager.

Stock funds

Stock funds are mutual funds that invest in stocks. There are different types of stock funds, such as index funds, growth funds, value funds and hedge funds. Growth funds invest in stocks of fast growing companies while index funds buy and sell securities that reflect a particular market index. [Read more…]

Lodging Alternatives for Budget Travelers

Lodging costs constitute the bulk of expenses for a traveler. Lodging at hotels can burn a large hole in your pocket. Increasingly, budget travelers are looking for unconventional accommodation arrangements that can save a significant amount of money. Here are some options that you can consider while choosing an accommodation during your travels.

Short-term, cheap sublets

Look for cheap apartments that owners rent out for a certain period of time. Sublets can be found through newspaper ads or websites such as Craigslist. Keep in mind though that New York recently passed a law banning tenants to rent out apartments for a duration of less than 30 days.
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Ways to Raise Money for Your College Education

The economy is on a downturn and the cost of college education is rising. Students need to find cost effective ways to pursue their dream of college education, which is an expensive proposition for most. We offer some useful tips on how to go about funding your education in an affordable manner.

Ask Your Relatives
More and more relatives are chipping in with money to help their loved ones. A recent research says that almost 66% of grandparents have financially helped their kin for education purposes.

Cheaper colleges
Admission in community colleges can provide you with some financial relief. Community colleges are the cheapest colleges in the country and are becoming great alternatives for low and middle income families.
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5 Ways To Protect Your Credit Card and Identity

Credit cards are synonymous with debt and your unaccounted spending can lead to debts that may not be good for your financial health. Here are 5 risks associated with credit cards that you should be aware of:

Using credit cards on unsecured sites

To prevent identity thefts, use your credit cards only on secured sites. Secured sites are encrypted and prevent hackers from stealing your credit card details. To see whether the site is encrypted, check if there is a lock icon on the address bar. An encrypted site will always show ‘https’ instead of the normal ‘http’ in unsecured sites.
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