Tips for Shopping on a Budget

Most people in a financial crunch fear shopping expeditions the most. These are often the times when money simply flows out of your pockets without your even realizing it. However, it is impossible to eliminate shopping completely. After all, you do need the groceries, staples, consumables and other essentials. These tips will help you shop wisely so that your spending is limited well within your budget.

Build Loyalty

Shopping with one specific store often pays off. All big stores generally have ‘loyal customer’ cards on which points accumulate every time you make purchases there. These points can be exchanged for other goods or in some cases, discounts. If you have a reasonably priced store nearby, then make a conscious decision to complete all your shopping when you visit it. Ask the store personnel for a Loyalty card or a frequent shopper card and make sure every purchase gets recorded against it.
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Are Increasing Cable Expenses Busting Your Budget?

Entertainment costs form an important part of the monthly bills of any household. And cable bill is one of the first items to attract attention when it comes to reducing expenditure on entertainment services.

According to the Pew Research Centre, after house rents, one of the largest recurring household expenditure reported by American consumers is entertainment and communication. Cable and satellite television, cell phone services and internet services, all fall in this category. [Read more…]

How to Manage Your Budget If You are Self Employed

Budgeting plays a very important role in managing your finances and ensuring that you do not face financial hardships. If you are self employed or if a large proportion of your earnings comes from commissions, then budgeting becomes critical because your income will be irregular. [Read more…]

Prevent Your Personal Finances from Affecting Your Personal Life

Your financial situation should never affect your personal relationships with family and friends. Some family members or friends would earn more than you while some would earn less. Whatever your financial standing is in comparison to other people, it should remain outside the core of your relationships. [Read more…]

Creating A Monthly Budget to Save You Money

Personal savings are reaching an all time low these days as people are spending more, yet earning less. Savings are an integral part of a steady future and should never be ignored, no matter how dire things look at the moment. The best way to ensure that you are on track and staying within your means is to plan a monthly and yearly budget. [Read more…]