Understanding Exclusion Clauses in your Life Insurance Policy

All life insurance policies have exclusion clauses that can lead to revocation of coverage. It is important to understand these clauses so that your heirs are not denied the insurance amount.

Material misrepresentation

Material misrepresentation, including intentional falsehoods or omission of important information, would lead to your policy being revoked. This includes factors that the company takes into account while deciding your premium or your eligibility for the policy. In most states, there is an incontestability clause, because of which the company [Read more…]

How to Purchase Insurance for Vacant Homes

Due to the steep decline in the real estate market, there are many sellers who are finding it difficult to get a buyer for their house. The house remains vacant for a long time while it is up for sale. The problem is that they might lose their insurance cover when they leave the house, as a vacant home is considered riskier than an occupied one. [Read more…]

Apply for Part Time Insurance for Cars Not in Use

Has the recession forced you to start using public transport and avoid driving your car? If yes, then you are one of the many people who have cut down on using their private vehicles in order to save costs on fuel and maintenance. Many families who have multiple vehicles have also stopped using some of their vehicles. [Read more…]

Questions You’ll Be Asked when Buying Auto Insurance

When you are getting motor vehicle insurance, the insurance company would ask you many questions. These questions are not just the basis for refusing insurance cover, but they also determine the premium you have to pay on your insurance policy. Here are some of the common questions asked by motor vehicle insurers and their potential impact on insurance costs. [Read more…]