Holiday Shopping Without Burning a Hole in Your Pocket

This holiday shopping season is shaping up to be a good one for shoppers, as retailers are competing to lure them with big discounts. Apparel prices have dropped since spring this year and they could drop further by the end of the year.

Contrary to this, those shopping for gadgets may not find useful discounts as the demand for gadgets has gone up tremendously this year. Whether you want to buy apparel or splurge on gadgets this season, there are a few tips to help you shop without burning a hole in your pocket.

Know Where to Go Shopping

Even during the festive season, it is rare that high-end brands offer drastic discounts. At such times, opt for stores that sell good quality products with lesser-known brand names at good discounts and special offers. If you are keen on buying branded items, look for stores that sell moderately- priced branded products.
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Should You Save Money or Spend Money When the Economy is Weak?

Most people have become cautious about spending and have started increasing their savings to cope with the uncertain economy. But a drastic cut back on spending will only make the economy weaker. This is a classic situation where your personal interests are in conflict with the rest of the financial system. [Read more…]

How to Save Money the Easy Way

I have been experimenting with some simple ways of saving money and they have made a considerable difference in my accumulated savings. Savings are very important because they take care of your sudden expenses, such as a medical emergency or replacement of a necessary household appliance like your refrigerator. [Read more…]

How to Reduce Your Traveling Expenses

Most of us commute long distances to work every day. We spend a lot of money in tolls, parking, fuel, and even depreciation of the vehicle. With some simple steps, some of these expenses can be easily minimized, saving you a lot of money in the long run. [Read more…]

Benefits of Having a Money Buddy During Financial Troubles

A ‘money buddy’ is a close friend, relative or well-wisher who is facing the same financial troubles as you are. Finding such a person will help you in many ways when you are having financial troubles. [Read more…]

Save Money by Carefully Timing Major Events in Your Life

All of us know that a lot of caution needs to be exercised when taking important financial decisions. But one thing that people often ignore is that sometimes decisions that are not financial in nature can also have a huge impact on their finances. Timing some of these decisions carefully can save you a lot of money. [Read more…]

Look for Deals on High Value Expenses to Save Money

One of the best ways to lower your expenditure is to look for various discounts and deals on high value products and services. Here are some deals that you may have ignored in the past.

Airline promotional offers

It is often necessary to take a flight to a different city to meet people or for any other purpose. But airline tickets can be very expensive. The good news is you can benefit from promotional offers launched by various airlines. [Read more…]

How to Save Money While Improving Your Lawn

These are tough times for the economy and you should try to save money wherever you can. One area that is often ignored, but can save you a significant amount of money, is you lawn. Here are some easy ways through which you can save on your lawn expenses. [Read more…]

Do You Know What Your Saving Goals Are?

We are often told that we should allocate some of our income to savings. Some financial experts even come up with how much that allocation should be, and arbitrary numbers like 10% or 15% are recommended.

I have to say I don’t really understand this. How can they create a general rule about savings when all of us have a unique financial situation. And unless you know exactly what you are saving for, how can you decide how much to save? For all you know, you may just be better off spending some of that money now instead of keeping it for future. [Read more…]

How Inflation Affects Your Savings

Inflation is one of the most important factors that you should take into account when you are planning your finances. Without proper measures, inflation can make a huge dent on your savings. That is why it is critical to understand how inflation works and what you can do to protect your finances. [Read more…]

How to Save on Your Food Costs

Economy is bad, and you would be looking to save as much as possible, especially if you have credit card debts or a mortgage. But there is one expense where people often tend to be extravagant – food.

It is estimated that an average American family spends as much as 10% of its income on food. Here are some tips that will help you save money on your food bills, so that you can make higher payments on your debts and get rid of them quickly. [Read more…]

How to Start Saving Now for Retirement Now

Everyone looks forward to putting their briefcase and laptops down for good so they can enjoy the finer things in life. But considering the unpredictable state of the economy, you would need a big enough financial cushion to protect you and your family from any unforeseen circumstances. [Read more…]

How Much Money Should You be Saving?

It is time to get serious about saving. The silver lining of the recession is that people are starting to finally realize that they cannot constantly get by on borrowed money. The problem is that the more consumers save, the longer it may take to get out of these dark economic times. [Read more…]

Organization Your Personal Finance in 4 Steps

When it comes down to it, personal finance has a lot to do with organization. You can make all the right decisions, invest in all the right places, and know about all the right options, but if you cannot keep track of it all it can turn out to be a lost cause. With that said, here are some quick and easy tips on organizing your finances and getting your money in order. [Read more…]